Questions 1 and 2 have provided me with information about the demographic of my target audience. Firstly, my target audience is mixed in gender, with just over half (53.3%) being male and the rest being female. In addition, my target audience is very young with the majority belonging to the 15-24 age group and only two belonging to the 25-34 age group. This may be because younger people invest more time on social networking sites such as YouTube and Twitter, where music videos are commonly shared. Also, a lot of young people idolise artists and as a result watch their music videos.
The next question is the first of many that informs about the psychographic of my target audience, where this one focuses on preferred genres of music. I have found that the favourite genre of music within my target audience is hip-hop, so I am likely to create a music video from this genre. This was followed by electronic, RnB, garage and techno genres. It is also interesting to note that some people used the 'Other' option to include grime as one of their favourite genres. I hadn't considered this genre thus far, so it might be helpful to explore it more.

The next question asks about the demographic group most represented in music videos of my audience's favourite genres:

The majority of answers mention youth, so I know that my video will definitely have to represent young people in order to make the audience comfortable as they are familiar with this representation. Some answers mention the ethnicity of the group most represented, such as 'white women', 'black teenagers', 'minorities', 'black youth' and 'youth - black and white'. From this I learn that there is a mixture of different ethnicities represented in real products. In addition, two people have said 'working class' and one 'middle class', suggesting that wealth isn't particularly flaunted or associated with the demographic represented.
I found out the reasons why my target audience thinks this is in my next question:
The answers of this question are structured to link with the answer in the previous question, which helps me make more sense of both questions. For example, the first person to take the questionnaire said that 'white females' are the most frequently represented demographic group in the previous question, and stated why in his answer of this question, 'because women are most sexualised and objectified'. The information I have received from this question will be helpful to me when casting performers for my video.
The next question asks about the favourite style of music video amongst my target audience, where performance videos have been most popular. This means that I would be satisfying most of my audience's needs if my video is performance based.
I found out what aspects of music videos are the most important for my audience with the next question, where location and interesting editing have been jointly voted the most important element. This means that during the pre-production stages I will choose the location of my music video carefully, as well as research editing techniques that I can include. The joint second most important aspects are costume and set design/theme, so it is important for me to also consider both of these during the planning for my video in order to maintain the interest of my audience.
The next two questions refer to the actions in music videos. The answers from the first question reveals that the majority (80%) of people prefer the actions of the video to match the beat of the song, so I will definitely make sure to match the actions with the beat. The next reveals that most of my audience doesn't have any preference about the actions matching the lyrics, so it isn't an aspect I need to focus on so carefully.
The last question asks my target audience if they prefer music videos to have a certain theme, where people either answered yes or no and gave their reasons. From the results, I have learnt that themes are popular. This information is useful as some people have given examples to real media products such as Kendrick Lamar's Alright music video and Beyonce's Why Don't You Love Me.
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